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How to Make Your Own Carpet Cleaning Solution?

How to Make Your Own Carpet Cleaning Solution?

Carpets are a key component in maintaining the cleanliness and freshness of our homes. But keeping them in excellent condition can be a difficult undertaking.

Cleaning and maintaining carpets don’t have to be difficult or expensive. You can easily handle a variety of carpet cleaning demands while saving money if you use the correct DIY carpet cleaning products.

Fortunately, you have cheap and environmentally friendly carpet cleaner at home in your pantry.

We are here to help you with DIY carpet cleaners. Prepare your carpets for a new life with these simple and efficient DIY cleaner for carpets.

Say Hello to Natural Carpet Cleaner

Are you fed up with pricey chemical carpet cleaners? Keep reading then if you want to know how to clean carpet at home. The remedy you’ve been looking for is found in homemade natural carpet cleaner products.

You can make your own potent and affordable carpet cleaning solutions with only a few basic materials. Saving money while getting amazing carpet clean outcomes is a win-win situation!

Essential Ingredients for Homemade Carpet Cleaners

Why spend money on pricey commercial carpet cleaners when you can get great results with natural carpet cleaner products you already have in the house?

We’ve put together a list of typical homemade carpet cleaner products that can change how you clean carpets at home.

1. White Vinegar: The Best Carpet Stain Removal

The strength of white vinegar will help you say goodbye to filth and grime.

This multipurpose carpet cleaner solution functions as a natural deodorizer, disinfectant, and carpet stain remover.

Its acidic nature aids in dissolving stubborn stains, while its antibacterial qualities get rid of microorganisms that cause odours.

2. Baking Soda: The Odour Absorber

Your secret weapon for getting rid of smells is baking soda.

By forming bonds with scent molecules, this common pantry item eliminates unpleasant odours, leaving your carpets feeling fresh.

Because of its mild abrasiveness, it is also perfect for removing dirt and stains from deep inside carpet fibres.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide: The Stain Buster

Hydrogen peroxide is the best carpet stain removal chemical. It has the power to remove even the toughest stains.

Strong oxidizers like this one efficiently dissolve tough stains like pet mishaps, coffee, and wine spills.

Because of its bubbling action, the surface is made brighter and cleaner by helping to pull stains out of the carpet fibres.

4. Essential Oils: The Fragrant Finishing Touch

Add essential oils to your homemade carpet cleaner solution to give it an energising scent.

These natural ingredients have antibacterial qualities that can help sanitise your carpets.

To stimulate your senses, pick from well-liked options like lavender, tea tree, or lemon.

4 Easy-To-Make DIY Recipes

Pet accidents, unsightly stains, bad smells, and other forms of messes are all common on carpets.

But don’t worry!

To meet all of your carpet cleaning needs, we have assembled a broad range of homemade carpet cleaner recipes. Ready to change your cleaner for carpets with these simple methods and practical fixes?

1. Citrus Power: Banish Stubborn Carpet Stains

Your carpets have stains that won’t go away. No issue!

This effective DIY citrous carpet cleaner solution uses the strength of citrous fruits to get rid of even the hardest stains. This formula can make your carpets appear like new after any accident, including alcohol.

Ingredients: Fresh lemon juice, baking soda, warm water


  • 1 cup lemon juice,
  • 2 cups baking soda,
  • 4 cups warm water

2. Baking Soda & Essential Oil Deodorizer: Purge Lingering Odours

Is there a bad smell coming from your carpet, especially if you have pets?

No need to look any further! This homemade carpet shampoo made with baking soda and aromatic essential oils is amazing.

Your carpets will be fresh thanks to the natural carpet cleaner deodorising ability of baking soda and the tempting scent of aromatic oils.

Ingredients: White vinegar, essential oil of your choice, warm water


  • 1 cup white vinegar,
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil,
  • 2 cups warm water

3. Vinegar & Hydrogen Peroxide: Powerful Combo for Deeply Clean Carpets

The combination of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is unmatched and the best carpet stain removal. This DIY homemade carpet shampoo will take on germs and allergens in addition to filth and grime.

Ingredients: Vinegar, Hydrogen peroxide


  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide (3% solution)
  • 1 cup white vinegar (5% acetic acid)

4. Club Soda: Fizz Away Stains for Easy Spot Treatment

Even though spills and stains can happen at any time, you’ll be prepared with this DIY carpet spot cleaner. Club soda is the best carpet stain removal. Its fizzing and lifting action quickly remove recent stains from your carpets.

Ingredients: Club soda, white vinegar, mild dish soap


  • Equal parts club soda and white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon dish soap per cup of mixture

How to Remove Food and Drink Stains

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Assemble the following materials: dish soap, white vinegar, clean white cloths, warm water, a spray bottle, and a soft-bristled brush.
  • To start, blot the stain as much liquid as you can using a clean cloth towel.
  • Repeatedly dab the stain with a homemade detergent mixture. Wait 15 minutes while pressing the towel against the area. Use a dry, white towel to absorb the extra liquid.
  • Apply the vinegar solution. Wait another 15 minutes while pressing the towel against the area.
  • Rinse by wiping the area with a towel dipped in warm water.
  • Repeat till it disappears.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Spray the DIY carpet cleaner solution on the spot, and then wipe with a dry towel.
  • spritz the stain with a vinegar solution before blotting with a dry towel.
  • Spray with a detergent solution on the stain, and then wipe with a dry towel.
  • Spray lukewarm water over the stain, and then wipe with a dry towel.
  • Until the stain is gone, repeat the steps many times.

How to Remove Coffee and Tea Stains

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Use one spoonful of dishwashing detergent and one cup of warm water to blot the stain.
  • Use cold water to rinse the area, then pat it dry.
  • If the stain still exists, repeat the blotting procedure with equal parts white vinegar and water.
  • Rinse once more under cold water, then pat dry.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

Liquid Dish Soap & Warm Water Method

  • Warm water and a teaspoon of liquid dish soap should be combined.
  • Use the soapy carpet cleaner solution to blot the coffee or tea stain.
  • Blotting should be kept up until the stain disappears.
  • Let it air dry after rinsing with cold water.

Vinegar and Baking Soda Method

  • Coffee and tea stains should be treated with baking soda.
  • Over the baking soda, pour white vinegar.
  • Give the carpet spot cleaner mixture some time to bubble and rest.
  • Blot the stain gently until it disappears.
  • Let it air dry after rinsing with cold water.

How to Remove Wine Stains

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • To remove extra liquid, gently blot the stain with a clean cloth.
  • Make the cleaning solution by mixing 2 cup water, 1 Tbsp white vinegar, and 1 Tbsp dishwashing detergent.
  • Apply the carpet stain remover solution to the spot and blot it.
  • Use cold water to rinse, then pat dry.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

Salt and Club Soda Method

  • To immediately soak up extra wine, quickly sprinkle salt over the stain.
  • Club soda must be poured on the stain.
  • Gently blot the stain with carpet spot cleaner to make it disappear.
  • Let it air dry after rinsing with cold water.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Dish Soap Method

  • Combine dish soap and hydrogen peroxide in an equal amounts to make carpet stain remover.
  • Douse the wine stain with the carpet spot cleaner mixture.
  • Blot the stain gently until it disappears.
  • After rinsing with cold water, let it air dry.

How to Remove Grease and Oil Stains

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Remove extra grease or oil with a spoon or dull knife.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the stain to absorb the residue.
  • Use a vacuum to get the powder out.
  • Apply a cup of warm water and one spoonful of dishwashing detergent.
  • With a fresh cloth, blot the stain until it disappears.
  • Use cold water to rinse, then pat dry.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Apply a small amount of carpet cleaner solution to a cloth and blot the stain.
  • Spray the stain with a detergent solution, then blot with a dry cloth.
  • Rinse the stain with lukewarm water with a dry cloth.
  • Repeat these steps until the stain is gone.

How to Remove Dirt and Mud

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • To get rid of dried dirt, vacuum it.
  • Repeatedly dab a cloth dipped in detergent solution, then press it for a few seconds.
  • Use a dry towel to blot the remaining liquid after 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with a clean towel dipped in lukewarm water.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • To remove as much dry dirt as you can, use a vacuum.
  • Spray a natural fibre carpet detergent solution on the stain, and then wipe with a dry towel.
  • Spritz the stain with a vinegar solution before blotting with a dry towel.
  • Reapply the detergent mixture and then wipe the surface with a dry towel.
  • Spray lukewarm water over the stain, and then wipe with a dry towel.

How to Remove Chewing Gum and Wax

A. Synthetic Fibre And Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • As soon as the stain begins to set, gently wipe it with a Ziploc bag filled with ice cubes.
  • Use a blunt tool, like a spatula, to break it, then vacuum the chips up.
  • With a cloth and a tiny quantity of solvent, blot the surface.
  • Rinse by wiping the area with a towel dipped in warm water.

How to Remove Gravy and Mayonnaise

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Using a cloth and only a small amount of carpet cleaner solution, blot the surface. Wait 15 minutes before drying.
  • Repetition is advised.
  • Use a towel dipped in lukewarm water to blot to rinse.
  • After 15 minutes, use a dry towel and blot the remaining liquid.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

Gravy & Mayonnaise:

  • Spray a detergent solution on the stain, and then wipe with a dried towel.
  • Spritz the stain with an ammonia carpet cleaner solution before blotting it with a dry towel.
  • Sprinkle the stain with a vinegar solution before blotting with a dry towel.
  • Reapply the detergent mixture and then wipe the surface with a dry towel.

How to Remove Ink and Marker

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

Ballpoint Ink & Permanent Felt-Tip Marker

  • Dab a cloth dipped in detergent solution repeatedly, and then pressed for a short while.
  • Use a dry towel to blot the remaining liquid after 15 minutes.
  • Use a towel dipped in lukewarm water to blot to rinse.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

Ballpoint Ink & Permanent Felt-Tip Marker

  • Spray the stain with detergent carpet cleaner solution, then blot it with a dry towel.
  • Spray the stain with ammonia solution, then blot it with a dry towel.
  • Spray the stain with a vinegar solution, then blot it with a dry towel.
  • Spray the stain with water, then blot it with a dry towel.
  • Reapply the process if necessary.

How to Clean Pet Accidents

A. Synthetic Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Dip a cloth into the detergent solution and dab repeatedly, then press the cloth on the spot for a few seconds and wait 15 minutes.
  • Absorb the surplus liquid with a dry cloth.
  • Repeat by dipping the cloth into the vinegar solution and dabbing repeatedly, then press the cloth on the spot for a few seconds and wait another 15 minutes.
  • Wait one hour or until the carpet dries completely. If the stain is getting lighter, repeat the process.

B. Natural Fibre Carpets & Rugs

  • Spray a detergent carpet cleaner solution on the stain.
  • Mist the stain with an ammonia solution and vinegar solution, then spray lukewarm water over the stain before blotting it with a dry towel.

Reapply the best carpet stain removal mixture if needed.

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